понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve always joked how things that happen to me only happen to me because I have bad luck and my life is like a bad, bad movie. Here is another chapter in the, hopefully never ending saga that is Paulapos;s life.

I woke up to move my truck because my mom needed to leave to go to a family bar-be-que at my uncles house. I get in my truck, start it and start reversing; well I stop so I pull into another part of my drive way so my mom could have room to get out of the drive way.

I noticed that she didnt stop or slow down and she was coming straight for me. I honked a lot, a lot and then try to back up so she doesnt hit me. Too late, she hit me.
I got into a car accident, in my drive-way, hit by mom in her explorer. Who else can say that? I have to spend like $350 to fix my truck (I was gonna buy a 120 GB Zune with accessories) but now I have one of those stories only I�can have and firggen sucks. :(

The really bad part was mom blamed me for the accident, even though she said she couldnapos;t hear me honking my horn and she said she didnapos;t see me at all even though I�was directly behind her like 180 degrees behind her.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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The last few weeks of school have been busy.� I played in three Ultimate Frisbee tournaments this summer, including the German cup. It was awesome and the Stuttgart team got 1st place� Iapos;m on our second team, which didnapos;t play as well, but still Stuttgart is number one in men/women mixed Ultimate in Germany� Iapos;ve gotten really into playing Ultimate, and itapos;s been a good thing to have something to do other than work.

Work has itapos;s ups and downs. Some lessons go well, and others are down right horrible. It depends on the kidsapos; moods, how well prepared I am, my attitude and mental state, how much I�have sleep, etc.� Itapos;s really a roller coaster, and some days Iapos;m happy in the situation and other days I�question whether is this the right line of work for me.

Chris moved to Frankfurt, so now weapos;re in a long distance relationship. Thatapos;s not so fun, as I�would like to see him more often. He got a job there, so weapos;re both happy.� He seems to be enjoying work very much �

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

eve 6 lyrics promise

Hello, LiveJournal I am back in Chicago, and I have a real bed of my very own and macapos;napos;cheese with bacon and Battlestar Galactica. So life is pretty good.

However, I need to not spend several hours straight watching House and then fall asleep reading Eighth Doctor novels. Possibly then I wouldnapos;t fall asleep on the train and then have dreams where I was House and also a Time Lord, and Wilson was my companion and the Master had used improbability pizza (I donapos;t know, but there was a lot of pepperoni involved) to turn Wilson into an angry dolphin puppet.

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Hellooo lazyweb.

Iapos;m trying with Linux, I really am. Do drivers for Linux actually came as a basic executable thatapos;ll stuff them into place like Win32 drivers or is the process rather more arcane? Iapos;m hunting for a driver for an S3 chipset (I want better than 800x600 res) and Iapos;m only finding source files with notes that talk about "building" the driver. Distro is the current version of Ubuntu.
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Net de 6e week Roessingh afgesloten, drukke week gehad, manueel therapie voor mn vast zittende schouder gekregen, oefenen thuis. Maatschappelijk werk, sporten, arbeidsdeskundige, veel vragen gesteld over hoe nu verder. Donderdagavond met de groep geevalueerd over de afgelopen 6 weken, we gaan elkaar zeker missen, het is gewoon een hechte groep waar in t Roessingh veel over nagepraat gaat worden :-)

Leer steeds beter mn grenzen bepalen, nee te zeggen en te luisteren naar mn lichaam. Mn gezondheid is gewoon te belangrijk om zomaar te laten verslonsen. En daar wordt ik steeds beter in......

nog 2 weken te gaan, best wel beetje eng om dan weer in t diepe gegooid te worden, het zelf te moeten doen en vol te houden wat ons geleerd wordt. Maar we gaan er voor alle 6 hoor We hebben nu 3 weken achtereen een tekencursus, best wel leuk en voor iemand die nog geen rechte lijn op papier kan zetten komt er toch nog wat uit de kleurpotloden (pastelkrijtjes bedoel ik), dus binnenkort hangt er een echte Stegeman aan de muur

Verder is er nog wel wat te vertellen maar daar wacht ik nog even mee, dat horen jullie binnenkort wel.

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Rocky visited us again earlier this afternoon. Have I ever told you all how amazing she is and how much we all love her?�Because itapos;s so different without her encouragement and humor out there on the field all the time. ;___; She always makes me feel better; today I was her "skinny little hot mama."

BUT UM. Iapos;m not going into much detail with this, but I have just switched into three new classes five weeks into the semester. I do not yet know if I will ever have a chance to sleep anymore, especially considering that I now have a zero period which meets at 6:55 every school day. XD Right after school was funny~ since I had to run around meeting with different teachers throughout snack and lunch, I never had time to stop by the school library. It was closed for the weekend by the time I got there so I decided to borrow a book from Maiya to do all the reading I need to catch up on for my new fourth. It turned out I never had to bother calling her - she was still on the varsity softball field as my dad and I were driving by. I was only gonna stop for a minute to ask her if she could call me later about picking that up but her step-dad and my dad ended up talking for about two hours, leaving her and me to sing songs and practice together. 8D;

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1. Our kitten is oddly energetic after coming back from getting his apos;fixturesapos; fixed. Heapos;s just too excited to be around his big brother, and likes to chew on him. And jump and do all the things you shouldnapos;t do when your balls are healing.

2. My sister almost went missing today. The dingbat didnapos;t turn on her phone after school...and we couldnapos;t find her. It turns out her friend had ukelele practice after school...and thatapos;s the girl she walks up to my school with, so she hung out and told no one.

3. My cousin came to visit I havenapos;t seen her since the wedding, but itapos;s nice...weapos;re all going through a rough spot so itapos;s nice to catch up.

In other, less interesting news, today we got let out early apos;cause of some assembly and my mother is currently out at a apos;Martini Partyapos;. And she left her car here, so Iapos;m assuming that sheapos;s going to be driven home. But because Iapos;m an anxious soul, I might call her in a little bit to get an ETA.

Speaking of Anxiety, I went to that lady counselor...God, I hate counseling. Fuck knows I�need it, but...really? I honestly think Iapos;m doing just fine, aside from the fact that Iapos;m fighting anxiety every fucking day. But I really donapos;t like it when she starts talking about some lifestyle changes in terms of coping.

I�know she was talking about exercising more and eating better. Fuck. That.

Hmm. So what else is new? �My voice is so throaty as of late. Itapos;s always been in a way, but itapos;s always funny when your singing voice is nicer than your talking voice. Iapos;m so croaky...but then again, I donapos;t talk a lot.

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